5 Fashion Tips To Look Attractive On Your Date 

If You're Single, Go Find Girlfriend First 


If You Have Real-Life Girlfriend

Don't Experiment With Hair 

Never try something new with your hair right before a date. After all, she agreed to go out with you based on what she's seen of you before.

Wear Dark Or Neutral Colors

Understated, muted colors keep your entire look grounded & sophisticated. It puts the focus on you and your conversation and not on what you're wearing. 

Add Accessories In Outfit 

Women love those guys who give special attention to detail. Accessories like rings and bracelets bring individuality to clothing, but be careful how you use them. 

Consider Venue Of Your Date

Dressing for the occasion matters, so plan your outfit based on where you're going. Being on the same page clothes-wise is an important part of the first date experience. 

Grooming Details

Clean Fingernails, trimmed nose hairs, and the tuft of hair growing on the back of your neck -take care of them. These little things matter, especially if you expect her to want to get close to you. 

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