By Farhan 

Things Girls Notice in Men's Style 

The first thing girls look at when meeting you is your face, so make sure you have a good hairstyle facial hair is set properly.

Hairstyle & Facial Hairs

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A good fragrance can improve the mood of people around you and make you look more attractive.

How You Smell

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Your style or dressing sense tells who you are! 

Style & Dressing Sens

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According to studies, shoes are 1st thing girls notice "subconsciously". So make sure you wear nice shoes.

Your shoes

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Accessories elevate the overall looks of your outfit. It makes you stand out of the CROWD.

Your Accessories

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This includes the way you talk, your body language, standing posture, smile, etc 

Your Personality 

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Fashion terms youmust know in 2022

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